Writing Partners Remote Tutoring Sign-up Logo

Are you struggling in your classes or in other areas of life right now? You're not alone, and we encourage you to use one of these suggested resources

The Writing Center is offering online appointments and drop-in support. Login to see our schedule!

Click the register for an account link on the left. 

If you've created an account to schedule appointments for a different service (College Writing Tutors, Academic Strategies Mentors), you'll need to create a new one for this scheduler. Questions? Email writing@yale.edu.

How to make an online appointment

On the schedule page, click on any available white box. When you book a meeting, you'll receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link you can use to find your tutor online at the time of your appointment.

If a Writing Partner has no appointments on their shift (i.e. all white boxes), please schedule a meeting with them before booking with someone who already has reservations. This will get you a fresher reader and ensure that our tutors' work is evenly spread out. 

Please only make appointments you know you can keep. If you must cancel, please do so online at least 12 hours before your appointment. Nobody likes a no-show, so please don’t be one.


Having trouble?

Email writing@yale.edu or paula.rawlins@yale.edu